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Biology of Aging - Gordon Conference

In July thanks to funding from Alzheimer's Research UK I attended this conference, see if you can spot me in the photograph above. A few days of excellent science and the chance to meet and talk in depth with scientists all thinking about Aging (of course we are all 'doing' aging too!). I met some great people and listened to some outstanding talks. Steve Horvath, Cynthia Kenyon, Vera Gorbonova, Jadwiga Giebultowicz and others all gave inspirational and thought provoking presentations of their work and ideas. The conference was organised well in the Alpine village of Les Diablerets (The Little Devils). We enjoyed some long walks in the sun, dodging most of the thundery rain showers, along the rivers and and streams in the company of Swiss mountains and their associated cattle. Later in the same week a couple who went missing 70 years ago emerged perfectly preserved in the ice from the glacier near this village - a side effect of climate age is the resolution of 'missing persons' on the mountain. I returned home struck with awe at the range of approaches and strange organisms used in the field of ageing. Of course we had presented our bat work which is to be ready for publication soon giving us some new insights into the ageing process.
Chocolates and cheeses filled all the spaces in my bag as a souvenir of a memorable event. 



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