New Year – Old Me? The changing of the calendar to 2018 causes many inner observations, successes and failures of the past year. Good and ‘ prefer not to admit to ’ habits that need management in the future weeks and months. ‘Old me’ could refer to the continuous process of ageing that doubtless needs some consideration, or perhaps a previous version of me that now needs another outing. Which is it? Colwick Parkrun 1st January 2018 - thanks to Andrew Philips for posting so many photos of the event. It’s a couple of years now since I took the decision to start cycling to work. The habit is a good one and has become my usual method of commuting, eleven or so miles each way through rolling English countryside. I love it and now depend upon it for thinking time and exercise - I blogged about it previously when I got my new bicycle. However, my previous good habit of running has gradually given way to the bicycle commute. This was not intentional but rather a natural taper...
Lisa Chakrabarti and a small group of scientists are working on mitochondrial biology in the context of ageing, exercise, disease and other interesting areas. Here you will find some little updates, thoughts and profiles describing what we are up to.