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Showing posts from January, 2019
  The Nottingham Festival of Science and Curiousity is happening from the 13th-20th of February 2019 have a look at the programme As part of the festival The Bright Club Nottingham is presenting an evening of science and 'comedy' at the Angel Microbrewery on Wednesday the 20th February - guess who agreed to do an 8 minute set? I'm so not funny it's going to be hilarious!
We have a new O2K High Resolution Respirometer A huge thank-you to the University of Nottingham Research Priority Area Fund for supporting our bid for this piece of equipment! I had been eyeing up one of these for many months and there is already a long list of experiments and collaborations that are waiting to benefit from the data generated by this machine. Included with the machine is a place on a training workshop so off I went in the middle of December to Innsbruck, Austria to visit Erich Gnaiger and the team supporting MitoEAGLE . Many familiar faces and for me at last a chance to get fully immersed in three days of O2K respirometry. What a great workshop it was and while I was there my new machine was being readied for dispatch to Nottingham where we now have it on my bench in the lab. Cells are being grown and reagents assembled as we speak to get through a few test runs before we start our experiments. Innsbruck is a great city to visit and while we were there the first sno...

Gunjan starts her PhD!

Gunjan Katyal is our new Vice Chancellors Research Scholar. She started her PhD on mitochondrial haemoglobin at the begining of October 2018. Gunjan is from India and is taking up a post as resident tutor at University Park Nottingham. We are very excited to have her on board - here she is in front of lab A49, the lab where she will be spending much of the next three years in! In other news we had our second International Collaboration Fund meeting in October. Dr. Chiara Papetti (University of Padua, Italy) and Dr. Magnus Lucassen (Alfred Wegener Institute, Germany) both came to Nottingham this time. Several days of research discussions and planning were accomplished - it was an absolute pleasure to have them and to wallow in research talk and ideas with them. Dr. Reinhard Stoger, Dr. Andrew McColl and Dr. Sharon Egan joined us at various points to talk about epigenetics, sticklebacks and other fish!The whole time was so absorbing I didn't manage to remember to take a single ph...