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Showing posts from December, 2023

Universities of Tuebingen and Nottingham collaboration

Last week we went to Tuebingen, Germany to visit Dr Julia Fitzgerald and Dr Layla Drwesh at the Hertie Institute of Brain Research. Katie Mortimer and Rachel Cruickshank were there for the whole week to generate data and collaborate on various overlapping areas of interest. We plan to continue work together in the fields of Parkinson's disease, Psychiatric illness and Alzheimer's disease.  Tuebingen is a perfect city for biochemists to visit since it was here that 'nuclein' (DNA) was first isolated by  Swiss chemist Friedrich Miescher, published in 1871. Coincidentally, his research was primarily based on Haemoglobin....we visited the lab, which was in the kitchen of the castle and saw numerous artefacts from that time. Katie took some nice photos of our visit. from the left - Katie, Rachel, Layla, Me and Julia. Alois Alzheimer did some of his medical training at Tuebingen University. In the DNA lab...the window is 'frosted' with 96 well plates!  Layla visited u...

Katie's review is out - Second-generation antipsychotics and metabolic syndrome: a role for mitochondria.

Katie's review is now published in Frontiers in Psychiatry